The Best of Austin in the Fifties DVD
A compilation of classic original promotional films from the Austin archives remastered for DVD
Austin Jubilee 1905-55 (10 minutes)
Celebrations for the Austin Jubilee at Longbridge. The elegance of a Vintage Car Club rally contrasts with the excitement of a J40 pedal car race, all culminating in a cavalcade of Austin products and personalities of the period.
Round the World in 21 Days (1951) (21 minutes)
Alan Hess, head of publicity, organised a series of daring publicity stunts to promote Austin Cars in the all important post-war export market. In this case a Jenson bodied A40 sports car achieved its round-the-world feat in 21 days rather than the planned 30 thanks to the assistance of a KLM cargo plane.
I am a Car (1954) (17 minutes)
A charming period film made for the launch of the Austin A40 and the A50 Cambridge. Rigorous testing of prototypes precedes a detailed look at the new Longbridge production lines while the potential joys of ownership were extolled.
Making the Most of it (1956) (12 minutes)
The new Austin A35 takes part in an economy run round southern England and the Midlands under the keen eye of RAC observers. In a time of oil crises, fuel efficiency was seen as a valuable selling-point.
Tests Such As These (1956) (10 minutes)
The capabilities of the new range of BMC engines and cars are demonstrated as we travel 25,000 miles on continental highways at an average speed of 60 miles per hour.
They Work Again (1957) (16 minutes)
A rare glimpse into the Bargoed factory in South Wales which was established to provide work for disabled miners. The highlight is undoubtedly the sequence showing the assembly and painting of J40 pedal cars.
Including Period Cinema Adverts
Total running time 1 Hour 28 minutes approximately
NOT compatible in USA & South America (NTSC)